Handcrafted Ukulele
Hajime Sakai
はじめまして。岐阜県美濃加茂市のウクレレ専門工房「Ancestor's Ukulele 」工房主の坂井祖です。20代半ばに楽器職人を志してから早20年近い年月が経ちました。5畳半の小さなアトリエで年間30本ほど製作しています。大型機械を使わずほぼ手作業で製作しているのでなかなか本数は作れませんが一本ずつ木の状態を見ながら丁寧に作っています。では、簡単に経歴をご紹介させて頂きます…
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Ancestor's弦、工房マグカップ、工房ストックの新作ウクレレを直接購入できるページです。 2025年は新しいラインナップの導入を検討中です。ご期待ください。
Today's Photo
making tenor ukulele tops.
I'm working on my woodworking in a hurry for the exhibition. I'm also busy with artist models and preparations for next year. I'm planning to bring a few simple ukuleles to this year's December exhibition. Last year's December exhibition attracted many visitors from overseas, and I hope that this year will be similarly successful, attracting visitors from many different countries. If you pick one up, you will surely understand how easy it is to play and how deep the sound is. I would like to display ukuleles that can only be found at an exhibition where you can touch the instruments directly.I tend to prefer instruments with a simple appearance rather than flashy ones. Simple instruments with a deep sound make me want to play them every day. I think many people can share to this feeling.